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Dr. Sonia Eden and all staff members,

I was brought to the Coldwater Hospital. An MRI was performed. I was then transported to your facility in Kalamazoo. An emergency Cranioplasty-Surgery was performed to remove a large Meningioma Tumor from my head. From what I’ve been told and read about, it was life threatening.

I just want to thank everyone who had to deal with me while in an uncharacteristic state of mind. I know that now, I had no control over my actions. My wife, son and daughter are the ones that stayed strong while I hung on. In return, all three will have a husband and father grateful for life. My immediate family and extended family are thankful for the modern marvels of medicine. I wish everyone involved with my lengthy stay could see me today.

Words cannot express the appreciation for all of the professionalism by everyone involved. Without rambling on too much, I just wanted to thank you again.